boo paige

yes, yes... i know! i have been absolutely awful with keeping up with writing posts!

this post isn't even going to be a full blown one... just a few words that promise one tomorrow with pictures from Thanksgiving with family and maybe even a few from our last iShine show in Wichita, KS?! :]

i am meeting with an author tomorrow morning who is going to help me brainstorm and share advice for the book i'm working on. it's all about that thing i make a big deal about... ya know, apathy. i'm curious as to her ideas and what she thinks of the book proposal i've already written! we shall see...
I'm writing this book because God has whispered to me that my purpose, is to help other people find their purpose... and live it out.

what's yours?

<3 always,


P.S. don't even try to tell me you don't have one! God says you do.