This is a girl named Haley Suggs. Someone had messaged me about her a little while ago, asking if I could connect with her to help with what she was going through.
That evening, Haley died.
She had a bone cancer called Ewings Sarcoma... which is exactly what I had.
The cancer started out as a tumor in her leg, and after a surgery to replace her bone, the doctors thought it was gone. But without warning, the cancer came back... quickly moving into her chest and eventually her skull and spine.
She fought hard for 2 years... and was 16 when she died. (October 12, 2009)

This is a picture of her from July, 09. She didn't even let cancer stop her from getting her license!
And isn't she simply beautiful bald? Think of what confidence that would take to walk into the DMV with absolutely no hair and pose for your picture! I love it. :)

The most beautiful part that I know of this story is the end. Haley was a Christian, and the journal said that 13 people GOT SAVED at her funeral!
Her story struck me for many different reasons. One, because she had what I had... and I often think how that could have been me. But you know what? It could have been you too. Why wasn't it?
And two, because God's story is beautiful. It may not always have the ending we would have written, or even the story-line we would have chosen ourselves... but it's perfect.
May we be reminded, friends, that we are not promised tomorrow. James 4:14.
We ARE promised, that as long as we're here... we've got a purpose to fulfill. We're here for a reason.
Wake up loved one, He's not done with you yet.
December 2, 2009 at 9:43 PM
Thank you so much for posting this. People like you and Hayley are so inspiring, staying so strong through these difficult circumstances. It really humbles me. I find myself complaining when a little thing goes wrong, and then I see people who are fighting for their lives with a smile on their face. That says a lot both about that person and about the God they serve. Thank you!
December 3, 2009 at 8:17 PM
thank you for this post! i totally agree with you on the fact that she is still just as beautiful bald! Hayley and you are soooo inspiering :)
December 5, 2009 at 5:58 AM
Paige, thank you so much for posting this. It shows that we truely are just a vapor in the wind. Even though we are here today, no one knows what tomorrow holds.
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