"just friends..."

dear blog,

yes yes.

i know you feel utterly abandoned, but i promise, i haven't forgotten about you. i've merely been incredibly busy through the holidays, and then getting my feet on the ground after them. 

although, i do have a confession. while i did think often about how much you wanted me to write in you... someone else has been occupying my mind more frequently. their name is youtube, and i've really felt a strong connection there with all the blogging opportunities they offer me. i'm not suggesting that we break up, or that i leave you... but i am trying to say that you can't be my one and only any more. 

i've tried to be as honest as i can... i hope you understand. i promise i'll still write in you and when i post my video blogs on youtube, i'll always post them here too. see? it really isn't that bad after all.

just some advice- try not to listen to any emo love songs for a while.

friends always,


CHECK OUT MY CHANNEL---> http://www.youtube.com/user/ihateapathy



January 17, 2009 at 6:02 PM

I have been emailing back and forth with the person in charge of scheduling the iShine Live tour dates. I am now at the point of finding a host Church for the event. It is kind of hard to do when our Church is between pastors right now. If we had a pastor right now, I know that my Church would be the host group. Could I please ask you to pray that God would show me the perfect Church to ask them to be the host? I know that He has the perfect Church out there somewhere. Thanks for praying. I will post again when I know who the host Church is so that I can tell you that I will be seeing you at the event.